Seminars & Colloquia
Upcoming events
About 25 years ago, in the framework of the ALICE TOF R&D effort, the time resolution of the RPC detector technology was extended to sub-100 ps by decreasing the gap width by about one order of magnitude and
Decays mediated via $b\to s\ell^+\ell^-$ transitions are suppressed in the Standard Model and are thus sensitive probes of New Physics.
Making up 70% of the universe and responsible for its accelerated expansion, Dark energy is the biggest mystery in cosmology.
Present the latest particle physics results from non-LHC experiments, open to all other experimental activities, at CERN and elsewhere.
Present the latest particle physics results from the LHC experiments, open to all other experimental activities, at CERN and elsewhere.
Disseminate results from software activities in the context of Experimental Physics, as well as external high-profile presentations for relevant technologies.
Organized by EP and IT. An opportunity for the CERN community to be in contact with people from HEP as well as from other science domains and industry developing new data science solutions.
Present information on new developments and stimulate in depth discussions within the detector community present at CERN.
Organized by the Future Colliders Unit in the Research and Computing Sector (RCS), these seminars are dedicated to all aspects of Future Colliders projects.
Non-technical talks of general interest covering a broad range, not limited to particle physics and related fields.
They are intended for a general academic audience and open to all people at CERN from all departments.