Submission procedure

To submit the preprint on CDS, follow the submission procedure for Experimental Physics Papers that you can directly access on .

If you have already set up an e-group you will find your experiment in the drop-down list titled "Experiment/Accelerator". If your experiment/group is not in this list then please choose "Not Applicable/Other" (*see extra information at the bottom of this page).

CDS includes an extensive on-line documentation how to submit, remove publication and auxiliary files. To help you, please find below a few helpful points.

Before submission you must have at hand:

  • the pdf version of your paper,
  • the title of the paper : the title can be plain text or in Latex format, including mathematical symbols inserted between $ : CDS will translate them,
  • the abstract : the abstract can be plain text or in Latex format, including mathematical symbols inserted between $ : CDS will translate them,
  • the authors list : one possibility is to type the authors one by one. This is clearly not possible for large authors list. Unfortunately CDS requires the authors list in a format which is different from most journals. For the time being, the best is to give the first author and submit the full authors list (for example in your preferred Latex format) in a separate auxiliary file. The CDS team will manage the authors list. In the future, CDS will prepare scripts which should allow the translation of LaTeX authors lists (which depend on the journal ) into the CDS format.

Preprint number: When you submit your preprint, you do not a priori know the CERN-EP preprint number. It will be automatically attributed and communicated at the submission step. You have two solutions to include the number in your document :

  • by default, CDS will add a stamp on the top right of the first page of the document, including the preprint number and the CERN logo.
  • however, depending on your style class, it may happen that the stamp overwrites useful text. In this case, you must resubmit a modified version (submit new/revised file) of the document including the CERN preprint number by yourself and using the “no stamping” option.

Once you have uploaded your document, do not forget to use the button: Request Approval of a Document. This will trigger the approval procedure that the members of the e-group (or yourself if you chose "Not Applicable/Other") can follow via emails sent by CDS.

During the whole procedure the file is only visible by the members of the e-group (or yourself if you chose "Not Applicable/Other"). After approval (and possible modifications after refereeing), do not forget to use the button Move Approved Document to Public Paper Collection to make it public.


*If you will be submitting many experimental physics papers in the future and wish to set up an e-group for your experiment, so that you appear in this drop-down list, please contact EP-Head Office